Product Description
This unique blend of herbs is a vermifuge that will kill and expel pin worms, tape worms and other parasites while protec ng the stomach and aiding in diges on. A wonderful formula to help eradicate fl eas and lice.
Product Profi le:
Type: Extract (le*) Dosage: Determine your pet’s weight. Select the correct dose from the chart based on this weight. Using the included plas c dropper, squirt appropriate dose directly onto your pet’s food or into their mouth.
Take two mes a day. Worms are usually visible in your pet’s feces.
Start the treatment immediately and con nue for one week a er
all signs of worms are gone. Animals o en know ins nc vely when
the treatment is complete and may refuse to eat treated food at this
me. If trea ng Ki ens or Pups for worms, treat the mother as well.